HI!!! I'm Deanna Johnston, a professional voice actor, vocalist and spokesperson. I have 25+ years in the entertainment business both on and off stage, as well as in front of and behind the camera.
WHAT SETS ME APART: You need a trusted, mature, credible sounding voice from someone with life experience and depth who can effectively and confidently be your company's spokesperson. Great for news, corporate narration, commercials, explainer videos, documentary, social media ads and more.
VIDEO SPECS: 1080HD or 4K green screen videos in whatever aspect ratio you require, landscape or portrait.
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Someday I may just paint my wall green, but for now, I have a few options for professional green screen quality. A draping fabric in green black or white, as well as a smooth pop-up material that is almost reflective providing an even tone.
To produce the highest possible quality Green Screen videos, the key is great lighting!
Lighting needs to be bright, yet not too bright, flat, without any hot spots on the subject or the screen. A smooth natural colour.
Have you ever watched a video online or even on TV and was shocked at how poor the sound quality was? There are a lot of bad sounding videos out there. I use a Sennheiser MK416 Shotgun Microphone, Apollo Solo Interface with Adobe Audition to edit.
Choose your background, outfit, add your logo, your URL, photos
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